Home 2014 20 ottobre UE. ESTERO SPAGNA. SPESA IN R&D

The latest data available, corresponding to 2012, indicate that in Spain the total R&D spending (public + private) is only 1.3% of the GDP, well below the 2.08% average in the EU-27 and very far from the 3% goal set by the Lisbon Strategy. The gap is increasing, not only in Spain but also in other Southern European countries. It is no accident that the European countries that have been rescued or intervened are those that invest in R&D below the EU-27 average. In these countries, the austerity measures are undermining a sector that can actually help them boost their economy. Under the current conditions, we are facing a multi-speed Europe, not only in terms of scientific production and knowledge generation but also in terms of future economic growth. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This Chinese proverb calls for a common European science policy in terms of R&D investment.
(Fonte: http://www.roars.it/online/problems-of-research-in-spain/ 16-09-2014)